Thursday, April 28, 2005

Copasetic Retina

"I'm convinced my eyelids know things I don't."
-Alex Caldiero

Alex Caldiero was [and still is] as common as chips and salsa and drinking out of the backyard hose at my home growing up. His personality is as warm as his words and poetry are odd and thunderous. We like Alex. I am excited to introduce my little ones to the haze of "Arvadic" communication Alex deliveres.

Links to Alex's endeavors

Have a listen to Alex's "Poetry is Wanted Here" (NPR)...

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Remember the first time dad brought us to hear Alex perform. "Foam and Sand" with people all over the auditorium at BYU repeating this in a round. It was an intense experience for the youngster that I was.