Saturday, December 24, 2005

This Christmas

holiday time.
Originally uploaded by D.James.
Time for time to be given to loved ones. There is no better gifts than those of devotion and attention.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Set it, and Forget it...

Tail Wind

Sometimes, it is nice to be in the back.

Campos de cultivo

Campos de cultivo
Originally uploaded by xip.
A tunnels cousin?

Cylindrical Potpourri - Sun Tunnels

Within 24 hours, what do you get when you cross a coven of witches, a lumberjack named Steve, memorable desert wanderers, howling wolves, and the longest night of the year?

It would be me and my brother Bryan's (see his blog) winter solstice overnight excursion to Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels near Lucin, UT.

Nancy Holt.

Dark, desolate, wind-harping and enigmatic.

Infinite adventures await those wandering the West desert.