Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hairdos and Follitical Disfunction

Got my hair cut today. Bought some shaving gel at the place. How did they get me to do that?

I have an uncle who musically narrates different hairdos.

Here are a couple I'd like to hear...


Bryan said...

Do you remember in scouts when we were doing the public speaking merit badge and you guys made me do my ad hoc speech on hairdos cause mine was so nerdy. "The Wave" was what y'all called it. That was hilarious.

Truckbeard said...

"The Wave" hairdo was pretty nerdy. Man--that would have been one funny speech to tape.

I am told my hairdo is pretty nerdy now. This is probabbly why I decided to buy shaving products instead of haircare products.

Everyone asks me, "what's up with the name "Truckbeard?"

I reply, "I don't own a truck and can't grow a beard."

Follicle disfunction.